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The Love of a Mother- Nursing Mini Giveaway Session

August 1-7, 2015 was World

Breastfeeding Week! During that week I held a giveaway for a Nursing (or Mommy & Me) Mini Session! Today, I get to share that session with you! Our winner was a Momma who is on her second breastfeeding journey, & big sister joined in for a few photos, too!

Isn't she such a cutie? I just HAVE to make these into something special later on...

Babies are born knowing they need fed, changed, & loved. Luckily new parents generally get the hang of those needs before baby grows too much & their needs evolve! Today I'm here to share some photos & some thoughts about just one of the ways that Mommas provide for that need to feed!

(It doesn't mean any other way is "worse" or "wrong". I support all Mommas!)

Having nursed each of my boys for over a year & 1/2 (& counting), there is a special place in my heart for the unique relationship between a nursing mother & her babe. Nursing can come with struggles all its' own, but also with beautiful moments, and what a pleasure it was to capture some of those memories for this sweet family!

And as a special bonus, you get to hear from the Momma herself! :) Enjoy her sweet words, & their beautiful portraits! Next up is a slideshow! :)

Rebecca says: My son was born in February of this year. I had breastfed my daughter successfully for 8 months. I could have nursed longer, but I was pressured into weaning for my own "freedom and independence". I regretted that decision right after my milk finally dried up, and suffered in silence. I knew I wanted to surpass mine and my daughters breastfeeding time. I loved the relationship when I nursed my daughter and I longed for the same one with my son.

When my son was born, nursing did not come as easily as it had with my daughter. I had low supply, he was below his birth weight for 3 weeks and I was pressured into supplementing with formula. I would cry and say I was giving up during the weeks and months that my nipples were so sore and cracked that I dreaded latching him on. But then, I would look at his sweet face and remind myself that the pain was temporary and I would be relieved that I had persevered.

My son, Brantley, is now six months old and we have successfully been exclusively breastfeeding for the last 4 of those months. Let me tell you, the trials in the beginning were WORTH IT. There is nothing sweeter than looking in the eyes of your nursling and seeing pure love and knowing that your body is able to sustain those whom are most important in your life.

The photos that Sweet Little j Photography captured in our nursing session, show the very essence of mutual maternal love. They are beautiful and something to be celebrated.

Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your sweet experiences with us & for the opportunity to capture your precious memories!

To everyone out there, thanks for reading! Please tell me, if you've been a nursing mother, what was your biggest support? Otherwise, do you have something funny to share with me? I'd love to hear from YOU!

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